Table of Contents
Key combination: | Action: |
Alt/Opt+Click(tool button) | Open options for any tool on the toolbar. |
Alt/Opt+B | Create a new face between two selected edges. |
Alt/Opt+C | Collapse the selected vertices. |
Alt/Opt+E | Create a new edge that connects either the selected vertices or the centers of each selected edge, depending on what editing mode you are in. |
Alt/Opt+G | Increase the number of items in the selection. |
Alt/Opt+J | Move the pivot to the center of the currently selected vertices, edges, or faces. |
Alt/Opt+L | Select edge loop. |
Alt/Opt+Shift+L+Double-Click | Select face loop. |
Alt/Opt+R | Select edge ring. |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+R+Double-Click | Select face ring. |
Alt/Opt+S | Divide the selected edges. |
Alt/Opt+U | Insert edge loop. |
Alt/Opt+V | Weld selected vertices. |
Alt/Opt+X | Split the selected vertex into individual vertices (one per adjacent face). |
Alt/Opt+# | Apply a specific Material to the selected object(s) or face(s). |
Alt/Opt+Shift+G | Shrink the selection. |
Backspace | Delete the selected faces or Bezier shape points. |
Esc | Enable the Object edit mode. |
B | Set all selected objects to entity type Brush. |
C | Set all selected objects to entity type Collider. |
G | Toggle between the Object and Element (geometry) edit modes. |
H | Cycle through Vertex, Edge, and Face edit modes. |
M | Set all selected objects to entity type Mover. |
O | Set all selected objects to entity type Occluder. |
P | Toggle the orientation of the ProBuilder selection handle. |
T | Set all selected objects to entity type Trigger. |
Ctrl+Click | Align an adjacent face’s UV coordinates to the current selection in the UV Editor window. Important: Unlike many other hotkey combinations involving the Ctrl key in Windows and the Cmd key in macOS, this tool works with only the Ctrl key for both platforms. |
Ctrl+Shift+Click | Copy one face’s UVs to another face to the current selection in the Scene view with the UV Editor window open. Important: Unlike many other hotkey combinations involving the Ctrl key in Windows and the Cmd key in macOS, this tool works with only the Ctrl key for both platforms. |
Ctrl/Cmd+Drag (while moving, rotating, or scaling) | Snap to UV increments in the UV Editor window. |
Ctrl/Cmd+E | Extrude edges and faces using the default options. |
Ctrl/Cmd+J | Move the pivot to the center of the currently selected elements: – Vertices – Edges – Faces |
Ctrl/Cmd+K | Create a new Mesh cube. |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+I | Invert the selection. |
Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+K | Open the Shape tool window. |
Shift+Drag (while moving, rotating, or scaling) | Extrude edges or faces. |
Shift+Hover | Show tooltips when hovering over a tool icon in the ProBuilder toolbar. |
Unique Mode Shortcuts #
In addition, if you enable the Unique Mode Shortcuts preference, you can also use these shortcuts:
Key combination: | Action: |
H | Enable Vertex edit mode. |
J | Enable Edge edit mode. |
K | Enable Face edit mode. |
Tip: You can also change these default shortcut assignments in the Shortcut Settings section of the Preferences window.